Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anyone but mom!

As I posted earlier, Dallin sees very little of his dad right now because of Zane's work schedule. The consequence of this is that he is bored with mom. Now when anyone comes over, he immediately walks over to them and raises his hands to be picked up. This includes the bug guy, satellite guy, anyone in the grocery store who smiles and talks to him (which is practically everyone because he is so cute), and then of course anyone in the family. I try not to be too hurt and tell myself that at the end of the day, it is still mommy he wants...except when Aunt Haley's around! I don't know what it is about Haley, but Dallin loves her and sometimes (ok lately a lot of the time, sniff sniff) he prefers Haley. I keep telling myself it is nice for me to get a break, but really I want my momma's boy back. Haley and I exercise together every morning, and when it is too cold to run outside, then we work out inside. Haley gets the better workout (although she may not see it this way) because she picks up and puts down an extra 26 pounds. Both her son and my son want her attention constantly! We also do some strength training. This is harder because if Haley is laying on the ground, both boys will jump on top of her. I'm on the other side of the room getting a great workout wishing someone liked me too, while Haley wrestles two boys.

This is Haley trying to work her outer thighs (don't get mad Haley for posting this.) I was a little too late taking this picture. A second before, Caleb was straddling Haley's neck while Dallin jumped on top of her.

Needless to say, I felt wonderful this last Saturday when Dallin was sad to see me leave for an errand in the morning. Maybe he will be a momma's boy again soon.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I remember that phase (and it is a phase). I used to comfort myself by saying that it was a sign she was very well adjusted, an extrovert, outgoing and fabulous. I still believe that but then came a time when she would cry every time I would leave for YW and it about killed me. I can't tell you the number of times I about turned around and came home to hold her but I stayed strong and she is back to being okay with me leaving. I'll bet Dallin will be the same and just wait until number two comes...all yours baby, all yours!!!