Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lili's First Month and New Born Pictures

 Born at 4 pounds, 3 ounces with the doctor starting compressions right away since she wasn't breathing to a 5 pound 15 ounce healthy baby...Lili has come a long way in one month!  My doctor was very pleased with Lili's progress at her one month appointment (her length was 17 inches which is up two from when she was born).  Lili was also showing off.  Her doctor was trying to see if she was ready for tummy time by putting her on her tummy to see what she would do.  Lili was angry because she wanted to eat, started kicking pretty hard and rolled over.  When the doctor put her on her tummy again, Lili promptly rolled over again.  She is a little over achiever!

 Lili's first month included a hospital stay including oxygen, feeding tube, and being put in the isolette, meeting many of Zane's siblings plus Gram, meeting all of mine and her grandparents, a vacation at Zane's sister-in-laws, a two day road trip, dinner at McDonald's, Christmas celebrations, and lots of kisses.  She had a pretty eventful month!

At Lili's doctor's appointment, we discussed Lili's acid reflux.  When she spits up, milk floods out of her nose and she screams her head off.  Luckily she calms down within a minute or two so we are lucky.  Lili has already beaten her brothers in learning to put herself asleep.  If Lili's stomach isn't bothering her then I can lay her down in her crib and she will put herself to sleep.  I'm so glad because I started up my preschool this last week.  Lili is doing so well that I decided to start teaching preschool again.  The boys needed to get back to their routine. We are thrilled with how well Liliane is growing and love how the sweetness of a baby changes the atmosphere of the home! 

My sister-in-law, Kara, arrived in Utah to visit her family while we were there, so we got some newborn shots in!   Here are a few of my favorites.

I hope Lili's 2nd month is a little calmer!  One thing for sure is she will continue to have her family wrapped around her tiny fingers!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2012 in Review

We didn't get a Christmas card out this year because of our crazy December, so I decided to look back over our year in pictures instead.

We did lots of mommy and me activities.
There were tons of wrestling matches

and silliness.

Dallin started Tae Kwon Do and is now a green belt.

He also enjoyed playing soccer/ digging in the dirt.
Dallin also took swim lessons and is a pretty good swimmer.
Gavin loves swimming too!
Gavin moved into a toddler bed and loves being a big boy.
He also loves riding his tricycle.

Dallin spent most of the year on his scooter and then decided to ride his bike without training wheels.  He is a pro.
Zane and I took a little trip without kids and enjoyed a nice break!
We enjoyed a vacation with my family.
And did some camping.
We are all busy with preschool (even Zane who helps out with cutting out art projects every once in awhile.)
We spent the month of December with this awesome family and saw the rest of Zane's brothers and sisters (minus one).
While in Utah, the boys got to play in lots of snow which was a treat!
And of course the best part of our year was adding Liliane to our family.

 The boys fell in love

 And so did Zane and I

 We have been so blessed this year and are excited to see what 2013 brings.


One of the highlights of the holiday break is my brother and his family coming in from the Netherlands to visit.  They used to live down the street from us, so we are really close with their kids and we love playing with them!

Gavin and Alex together again!

These three kids were all born within five months of each other.  Carter is the oldest and Alex is the youngest although Gavin looked like the youngest because he is so much smaller.

 He wasn't always the smallest...

 And he pulled off the rolls well.  What happened?

One day when Alex returns to America, they will be best buddies again!

One of the best nights of the holiday was when Haley and I left our kids with our husbands and enjoyed a game night with all my siblings (except for one) with no kids! I think every year we should all get babysitters one night and do an adult only game night.  I enjoyed laughing and talking with my siblings.  Missed you Linds!