Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Saying Goodbye

My first year as a preschool teacher has ended. We ended the year with a super fun swimming party which ended with a big water fight which may or may not have been started by me. I may or may not have also taught some water fighting tricks. We had a great time.

This was also a sad party because I'm saying good bye to these students. My sister and I taught together this year, but the plan was always for us to split up after the first year so that I could teach Dallin's grade level. She will continue with the majority of the above students and I will start my own preschool for Dallin's age.

Here are the things I loved about teaching preschool:
1. The students. It was great to be a teacher again. I loved seeing the students outside of school and have them run up to me to give me a hug. I loved seeing growth, excitement about learning, and kids imaginations. My favorite time was story time when the students were enthralled in a story. I also loved excitement about the themes we were doing and questions that were asked (and some of the funny comments.)

2. I enjoyed teaching with Haley. My family had bets that there would be fights and this might ruin our friendship, but we survived! I will miss bouncing ideas off each other, sharing the work load, and learning from her. She is a wonderful teacher and a great coteacher.

3. I learned tons this year about teaching 3 year olds (very different than 12-14 year olds and yet in some ways very similar!)

Here's to summer break (and preparing for next school year)!

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