Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gavin at 12 Months

Gavin at 12 months is an active, giggly, silly boy. I love this 12 months picture because it shows his new teeth. With these teeth, he looks more like a toddler instead of a baby.

Taking these pictures were a pain! Gavin refuses to sit still now and immediately rolls over to start moving and climbing around. I got one picture of him forward facing only because Dallin sat next to him. This then started a wrestling match which is a whole other post.

Here are some funny things about Gavin:

While at a restaurant, Gavin got a hold of a lemon from my water and enjoyed it immensely. He has had several now.

Gavin is persistent and knows what he wants especially when he is crawling. If something is in the way, a toy, legs etc, he just crawls right over it. There is no going around something for Gavin no matter how big.

Gavin loves his paci. When we put him in his crib or naps, he will stand up, giggle for awhile, and throw his paci. We then come in and lay him back down and give him his paci back. He thinks this is the funnest game and will continue it for a good 10 minutes before he gives up and sleeps.

We also put two paci's in his crib at night because he moves so much so when he wakes up on the opposite side of the bed, there is a paci right there. If he can find paci, then he falls back to sleep. It is funny though when he realizes there is two in the crib. He will put one in his mouth and hold the other then switch them to see which one taste better. He will fall asleep holding his extra paci like it is his blankie.

Reading stories to Gavin is also a lot of fun. He giggles the entire time. Every picture is the funniest.

Gavin is on the move and is just content to crawl. (He can walk along the couch though, but he still prefers crawling). He is also a picky eater. This showed when he was weighed today at his well check up. He gained 8 oz from his 9 months appointment. The doctor wasn't worried. He just is on the move all the time!!! Now that he is in the clear to eat anything, his new favorite foods are yogurt and peanut butter bread.

Here were some other cute pictures (I took at least 30 pictures trying to get a couple where he was facing me.)
Gavin is such a fun boy and I love seeing his personality coming out more and more. I'm always amazed with adoption how perfectly everything works out. When we were visiting his birthmom, Tracy and I talked about the miraculous way we were brought together. It is a testimony that God has a plan for each family. Gavin fits perfectly in our family.

1 comment:

brandif10 said...

What an amazingly cute boy! I just want to pinch his chubby cheeks!