Friday, June 3, 2011

Big Boy Gavin- 11 Months

Gavin turned 11 Months on May 26th. I can't believe he is almost one. This year has flown by. Gavin is very active army crawling all over the house (he will crawl now, but he is faster at army crawling, so he will always switch to that in order to keep up with Dallin). He loves to play independently and explore where ever he wants. He doesn't liked to be cuddled for more than a few seconds before he is crawling off my lap. If I'm in the room where is is playing, then he loves to crawl on me or get into whatever I'm doing. Gavin gives the best hugs. He squeezes tight wrapping his whole arms around your neck. He is a tough kid. I'm not sure if that is nature or if that comes from having a big brother. He loves to wrestle with Dallin (up to a point). If Dallin is in the room, then he will follow him and try to play with him. They are really starting to play a lot together now that Gavin is getting older. I'm starting to see little glimpses of the freedom two brothers playing together will provide me. I'm also starting to see glimpses of the wrestling matches/ pillow fights etc that I will have to break up. Gavin is such a friendly, happy little boy. You just can't help but love him.

Gavin still prefers baby food over table food, but he is trying more and more food and is interested in what we are eating. Gavin sleeps much better at night now, usually sleeping until 6:30 a.m. If he does wake up during the night, it is because he is teething. His hair is growing really long on top but is still short on the sides and a little sparse in back. Gavin stands holding onto an object and will move his feet slightly to reach something, but he really gets angry when the toy keeps getting pulled out of reach. He just doesn't want to move his feet. His crawling gets him where is wants to be and he sweeps my floor while he is at it!

Gavin's fro- He fell asleep after swimming before we could condition his hair. You can see how he has a lot more hair on top!

We love Gavin's giggles and smiles. They won us over during his first few months and they keep winning us over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's dallin's face about? What was happening?