Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Gavin!

We celebrated Gavin's birthday three days early because my little sister was in town and left that night. We had a family party where we ate lasagna, opened presents, and then had cake and ice cream. I picked lasagna for dinner because it feeds a lot and figured Gavin would try it, refuse it like other table food, and then eat his baby food. I was pleasantly surprised when he loved it. Apparently lasagna is his favorite dinner!

After dinner we opened presents. With tons of little kids around, it got a little hectic. As Zane and I watched the video back of the event, I'm putting tissue paper back in the bag that Dallin or someone else had just pulled out while giving the present to Gavin. I think the whole present part was over in a few minutes as I tried to keep up with the little kids. Poor Gavin was over whelmed. At one point he received a yellow ball from Caleb and Carter. He held onto it for a few seconds, dropped it, and then it was snagged up by someone else. Multiple times in the video you see the ball come close to Gavin again, he reaches for it, and then it is moved away by another kid. In the following clip, you will even see me pull tissue paper out of his hands, Gavin reaching for sippy cups that I'm holding and me tossing them aside without realizing he wanted them, and the famous yellow ball. Poor Gavin. He wasn't able to enjoy the opening of presents because of the choas. (Also notice in the background Dallin opening one of Gavin's presents.)

Zane and I made an alligator cake because Gavin looks like an alligator when he crawls. The big boys were very exciting to eat it. The cake is turned around because all day Dallin liked to touch the alligator's face (it was made out of candy and marshmallows). No matter how many times we talked about not touching it, the candy on it was just too tempting!

The Cake (the candies on his back are different because we ran out and had to use different brand fruit slices.)

Gavin didn't quite get the blowing out the candle thing, but he was intrigued by his cake.

Gavin making his usual disgusted face when seeing food or taking a first bite.
He calmly took small bites like eating cake for the first time was no big deal.

He eventually got more into it.

And in the end, loved it!
Gavin has been a wonderful addition to our family. It has been a great first year!

1 comment:

Me said...

Awww I love this post! How cute! Happy Birthday, Gavin! Love it!