Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is heaven for Dallin...licking beaters. Yes, I let my son lick beaters. You would to if he looks at you with his big blue eyes, holds out his hands and does the sign for milk (Dallin thinks that sign is for anything he wants), and then starts stamping one foot impatiently. It is hard to refuse him.

Dallin is enjoying the beater to a yummy raspberry salad. Here's the recipe:

1 small package cheesecake pudding

1 small package vanilla pudding

2 pounds of plain yogurt

8 oz whip topping

Mix together. Right before serving add frozen raspberries or any frozen fruit.

Trust me your in heaven too if you eat this salad!

On another note, I'm not the only one who can't refuse Dallin's charms. While sitting in a class at a ward social, Dallin made a beeline to one of our friends. I looked over to see why and saw some half eaten cookies. (If there is food, Dallin will come!) I asked our friend to hide his cookies because Dallin wanted them and was starting to make a raucous because he wasn't getting the cookies fast enough. He told me it was ok and gave Dallin all of his cookies. I then had to inform my friend (in a very nice way) that this is what everyone thinks as Dallin works the room charming everyone with his big eyes and smile. He had already snuck who knows how many cookies that night and I really didn't want him having more! Have you tried wrestling cookies from a one year old? It involves lots of distractions and some screaming! Dallin is quick too.


Kim said...

I let my kids lick the bowl/beaters too...and they're still alive!

Steve and Jen said...

Yea for beaters! My mom did it, I do it, and I'm sure my grandkids will do it!

Dallin sure is a quick-ee to know how to work his charm so he can get "the good stuff!"

Brigette Little said...

That is one happy boy! Isn't it funny how they figure out so young how charming they really are?! Isaac was my Mr. Charming. Just wait until Dallin starts talking. One day, Isaac's preschool teacher told me that he snuggled in close and told her, "You look pretty and you smell really good." I can't even tell you how many stories I heard like that with him!

It gets even more fun!

Dawn said...

Is this the recipe you told me about during IKE? Do you remember that conversation?

I thought licking the beaters was part of being a kid...well I still do it too...