Sunday, May 17, 2009


Slide- $8 at a garage sale

Pool- $7 at Walmart

Entertainment- Priceless! It can go on forever!

Again, hours of entertainment...or at least until I have my hair done. Dallin discovered my lipsticks this week. He spent a good fifteen minutes (see forever for a one year old!) opening and closing each lipstick without once figuring out what was inside or making a mess. He was thrilled with just the case. The only problem is that eventually all one year olds will figure out something is inside. This happened on the way to the library for story time. Dallin started crying out of boredom, so I gave him a lipstick that he snuck into the car. I knew I was tempting fate. The next time I looked back, he face and hands were covered in lipstick. I think he put his finger inside the lipstick case and then, you guessed it if you know Dallin, put his finger in his mouth to eat it. Unfortunately I didn't get this on camera because we were in a hurry to get inside the library for story time, so we had a quick clean up. Luckily the lipstick he messed up was a really old one that should have been in the garbage anyway.

Dallin discovered corn on the cob this week. I didn't think he would be able to eat it which was a silly thought because corn on the cob is perfect for a kid with only six front teeth. The only problem is how do you floss a one year old's teeth if the corn gets stuck inside them without getting bit??? Dallin loved the corn though.

More biking as a family...Dallin loves pointing out the dogs and airplanes.

Dallin and Aunt Lindsey playing by the fountains at Market Street. Is it selfish to ask Lindsey to serve her mission at my house instead by being my nanny? With three siblings living 5 minutes a part all with kids, she would definitely be in demand. The requirements would be simple-- just be at our beck and call whenever we need you. This includes day times when kids are throwing up, cranky, or when mommy's need a break and definitely on all weekends so that we can go on dates without getting a babysitter. That's not too much to ask is it??? Just kidding Lindsey. It has been great to have her home from college though! She is moving up to the favorite aunt position pretty fast!

This is how far I got to getting Dallin and Caleb (Dallin's cousin) back into clothes after swimming. I had to post this picture because they were so cute together running around in their matching diapers. I also had to show this because Dallin looks a little taller than Caleb who is 6 months older than him.


Matt and Haley said...

Well my son's tanner even if he's not taller! :o)

Brigette Little said...

What a cutie! Isn't it fun when they are entertained by simple things? Joseph's favorite lately is swinging on the swings on his belly. He'll stay out there forever. My kids have always loved corn on the cob, too. The little plastic alligator flossers are great. If you show him how, he can probably even use it himself.

Sylvia said...

So cute! I love the picture of cousins together.

Steve and Jen said...

Fun stuff (pool & slide)
These are the days to remember, for they will not last forever!
I love the cousin pic too! So precious!