Monday, December 31, 2012

By My Side

Zane and I were married two days after Christmas.  It was very rude to do to my mom who tried to keep Christmas as special as possible and do a wonderful wedding for her daughter...I think she pulled it off like she always does. 

I'm so grateful I have had Zane by my side for these last eleven years.  He makes the good times better and pulls me through the hard times.  When I met Zane, he was working 40 plus hours a week and going to school full time.  He was determined to pay his way through school and do whatever it took to finish.  From this I always knew he would do whatever it took to support our family.  I saw that when Zane was trying to pass the four sections of the CPA test.  Zane was so busy working and just didn't have time to study.  He worked on passing this test on and off for three and a half years.  There were times I thought he would just give up.  He was very determined and it was a huge celebration when he passed the last section.  Without his CPA, he wouldn't have the job he has now.

Zane is a hard worker.  Because of this, both companies he has worked for since graduating college have been very good to us when it comes to our adoptions.  We can't plan when we get a baby, we never know how long we will be away when we go pick the baby up, and yet both companies have been very supportive.  When we found out that Liliane was coming early and was expected to be 4 pounds, the caseworker told us to hold off leaving until after she was born so that we knew what health problems we would be facing (and how long a stay we would have.)  When I am left alone to think, my mind always goes to the worse possible outcomes (Zane knows this too and is very patient with my imagination).  I took what the caseworker said to mean we would definitely have health issues, would probably be out in Utah for many months, and there was a possibility Liliane could die (the doctor said Lili had stopped growing and when a doctor told me my embryos had stopped growing that meant they were dying.  My mind jumped to some conclusions).  By the time Zane got home from work, I wasn't doing very well.  I had already planned I would go to Utah by myself and face the long hospital stay, I wasn't sure how we would do Christmas, and I didn't know how I could leave my boys with my mom for that long.  Zane came in, wrapped his arms around me, and said we would all go together and face the situation.  His work was already planning on having him work from "home" in Utah for two weeks.  They wouldn't mind if it was longer.  If we weren't home by January, then we would reassess the situation.  That was all I needed to hear.  I can do anything with Zane by my side.  I am so grateful Zane's company was okay with him working from Utah.  And I'm so glad he has proven himself over and over again that they knew he was a good worker and could trust him.

I can't imagine going through our miscarriages and failed infertility treatments without Zane by my side.  He always knew how to comfort me even though the situation was just as hard on him.  Any man who stays with their wife, keeps sane, and has patience while she adds lots of extra hormones to her body, is a saint.  When I would comment that Zane could have married anyone else and would have children by now, he would remind me that he didn't marry me for my egg quality.  How romantic is that?

I'm so thankful I have Zane by my side navigating being a parent.  He is very involved with the kids, loves to play and wrestle with them, and is my night and shining armor when he makes dishes and laundry magically disappear.

I'm one lucky woman.  I'm glad I have Zane by my side forever.


Sarah said...

What a sweet declaration of love! I started tearing up. I am so happy for you both and happy anniversary! You two are special people :)

Matt and Haley said...

So sweet!