Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More New Words

Here's a video of Dallin's latest words. His favorites are Cookie (Cookie Monster) and Elmo. He loves books now (finally!) especially ones with Elmo and Cookie Monster. He has stopped saying milk and says book instead. This gets very confusing when he is crying for a book and I give him a book, and then he gets even madder. What he really meant was milk. I try to say mmmm, mmmm milk and Dallin will say booook. The other day we were trying to teach him Caleb by saying ca, ca, ca Caleb. Dallin then said, "Bless you." I guess he thought we were coughing. He says bless you when someone sneezes or coughs including himself. He will usually keep saying it until one of us says thank you. So polite. (You can see in the video some home repairs Zane is doing right now. More to come on that later.)

Dallin's favorite time of day (and mine too) is when daddy comes home. Zane and Dallin can play together for hours. I sit back and just laugh at them. I've tried to join in a couple of times, but it isn't the same. This is just daddy and son time and it is special. Last week they were bonking heads together. I asked Zane why he and Dallin were doing this, and he told me it is a guy thing. Hurting yourself, wrestling, playing tackle...ya, a guy thing.

Mommy switching it up and laying on Dallin's lap instead. He didn't like it after awhile.

Dallin eating an orange for the first time.

Notice another bump on Dallin's head. At his 18 month appointment, his doctor checked his knees (usually there is a bruise or some scratches on them) and said, "Good. I like to see a boy with some bumps and bruises. It means he is active." Active? If you mean running non stop (you should see how fast his feet can move!) and climbing and jumping off of anything, well then Dallin is active! We are constantly saying, "Now Dallin, think this through. Do you think this is a good idea?" Well of course jumping off the couch head first is a good idea to an 18 month old. He keeps me on my toes and I love it!


Brigette Little said...

My kids' pediatrician said the same thing when they were that age. I was so relieved! Their legs were constantly covered with bruises.

Mike said...

It is different for daddy son time,it's funny how they have that bond. That is cute about Dallin's words, that is good he loves to read.Nikki

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Such a cute little boy. I LOVE his run - I can't believe how fast those little legs move!!

Unknown said...

I've never met such a daredevil.