Thursday, September 17, 2009


If I had to describe Dallin with one word, it would be mischievous... or just all boy. My sister Haley and Zane were watching the boys play outside after a day, or really a week, stuck inside because of the rain. Haley's son Caleb left the slide to go throw a ball into the baby pool which had filled up with water from all the rain. Zane asked if Caleb would jump in the water and Haley said not likely with his clothes on. Next thing they knew, Dallin comes running over and jumps in the water. Well, Caleb followed suit shortly thereafter. Zane poked his head inside and told me I better come see what mischief our son had gotten into now and this is what I saw...boys having the time of their lives!
Notice Dallin's diaper below. By the time they played for a few minutes, Dallin couldn't even lift his leg to get out of the pool; his diaper, wet shorts, and shoes were just too heavy.
Just another day in the life of a boy.


Mike said...

Those two boys have too much fun together and get into too much trouble. Better watch out. HaHa! Nikki

Melissa Turner said...

How lucky those boys are to have each other. Oh and thanks for the gift card we will certainly enjoy it.

Shels said...

what a cute kid! he is getting so big. I love his smile-brings one to my face!

Steve and Jen said...

So fun that he has such a great friend that is a cousin. Funny about the diaper!