Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sometimes You Get Lucky

I had my best shopping trip ever yesterday. I got all the above food for FREE...and Kroger paid me $4. This was a 103% savings. My other secret is that I used no coupons. How you ask did I score such a great deal??? As everything rung up, I checked to make sure I got my two five dollars off (part of the deal, buy 10 certain items and receive 5 dollars off) and then the cashier and I noticed that repeated minus five's were popping up (20 in total.) Obviously the register was having problems, so the cashier went to find her manager. The manager said we needed to re-ring up my items. I'm thinking, as I'm putting my already bagged and loaded groceries back to be rung up again, that this is such a pain and Dallin is losing it from all this waiting. The cashier re-rung everything up and guess what, the minus five dollars (20 of them) happened again. By this point the manager didn't know what to do so she said I could just go and, according to the register, they owed me four dollars.

Later I felt a little bad about taking the four dollars, but then I realized in all the chaos, that I left a bag there at the store with my Mac and Cheese in it. So were even.

My lucky day right! Free groceries. My friend Kim was behind me in the check out line waiting that whole time to check out, but it was worth it for her. The register also messed up and she got free groceries too.
Thanks Krogers!


Mike said...

SWEET! Perfect timing going to the store. See you were blessed.

Brigette Little said...

Can I ask which register you were at?! Wow!

Jinii said...

Ariane...I just found your blog through Suzanna! Looks like life is great for you. Also do not feel bad about Kroger having to give you money. I work with them at my work and they are the meansest group of people I have ever met.

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

So, which register was this - I'll have to make sure and use that one from now on!!

Sylvia said...

Wow! My hat is off to you! I don't know how you did it but that is spectacular. Almost makes me think I'd be willing to try Kroger's again.

Shels said...

thats awesome!!!! I hope that happens to me next time I'm at the grocery store! :)

Katherine said...

Next time call me and tell me the register- no for reals- I am so jealous!

brandif10 said...

Wow! How come that never happens to me? I'll say you had a great day!