Saturday, September 26, 2009

That Darn Cat and Boy

Not only did we watch my friend's kids last week, but we also watched their cat. Dallin's never been around a cat before. Within an hour of being at their house, it became clear that Dallin is obsessed with cats (really any animal) and that it was going to drive me crazy. This cat really put up with a lot. If Dallin saw the cat then he wanted to pet, kiss, sleep on, touch noses, point to the eyes etc. This cat is de-clawed in the front, but she did snap at Dallin a few times although never hurt him (and Dallin deserved it!) I was so worried about him getting hurt or hurting the cat, that I was constantly trying to separate them. The cat though is not very intelligent. She would run in the other direction when she saw Dallin, but then would come back into the room a few minutes later!!! Where ever we went in the house (trying to separate them), she would follow. As soon as Dallin saw the cat, he started running for her. You think she would have learned to stay away. I was also hoping Dallin would learn to understand the phrase, "Leave the cat alone!" He never did though.

The cat became a pillow

The cat ran under the bed with Dallin was right behind her.

Dallin searching for the cat in one of her favorite spots. She had just slipped away from him.


Mike said...

See you guys need to get an animal.

Shels said...

what a kid! He's getting more hair-blond hair! Such a stud. You should get a dog like Mike and Nikki :)

tblattman said...

I definitely see some cat mischief in his eyes