Saturday, September 26, 2009


Last week Zane and I babysat my friend's three kids while she and her husband went to London. My friends kids are 8, 6, and 2 (the two year old is six months older then Dallin). We went from a family of three to a family of adventure. I did the whole mommy thing from getting kids off to school, doing homework, piano practice and lessons, dance lessons, birthday parties, and cooking dinners. Thank goodness my friend has a lot of pre-maid frozen meals because I do not know how anyone cooks dinner with four kids running around and two of them practically twins. Zane and I survived and actually had a good time. Last week sure lead to a lot of discussions on parenting. It is such a hard job!

We didn't get a picture of the 6 year old girl, but she was Dallin's favorite (for some reason I didn't get my camera out as much..oh wait, I was super busy!). Once she got home from school, Dallin followed her everywhere. She loved it and read the boys stories and played games with them.

As we were putting Dallin to bed Sunday night after returning to our home, we kept asking him where his friends were. He kept looking for them saying , "Uh, oh." I think Dallin missed the noise and chaos. Maybe he is ready for a sibling???


Mike said...

So how many kids do you guys want now? no it is fun to have a big family I think. That is nice of you guys to watch your friends kids, would you do it again is the real question?

Steve and Jen said...

So fun that the "G"s went to London. You are so sweet to watch their kiddos!

simple mom/wife said...

I love all those kids! What an adventure. After experiences like those I'm always feeling grateful that we get one child at a time. I know all families aren't quite like that though, are they?