Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Year Anniversary

I'm taking a break from detailing our Utah trip because it's our forever family anniversary. Today, one year ago, Dallin was sealed in the temple to Zane and me. If you want to read the original post about that day then click here. Maybe it is because it was just a year ago, but I can't let this day go by without celebrating when we were sealed together as a family. A year ago we went to court on the 22nd to finalize the adoption, then on the 23rd we were sealed, and finally on the 24th Dallin had his baby blessing in church. What a fantastic weekend.

In celebrating this day, I had to pull out my favorite adoption CD, "Chosen: Songs of Hope Inspired by Adoption" and listen to my favorite song, the song we listened to non stop a year ago on the way to the temple. It is sung by one of the women in my Families that Support Adoption group, Elizabeth Brown. The song is about waiting patiently for God to answer our prayers and turning over our trials to Him. It was a hard lesson to learn for Zane and me to give up control to God and to wait patiently for His plan and timing to come forth. It was a lesson well worth learning. The chorus is:

All that's been promised
All Heaven offers
Everything I could ever need
If not today
Then surely tomorrow
If I can keep the faith
If only I can wait

At the temple that day, we felt like all that God had promised us was being fulfilled. God's answer to our prayers was better then we could ever imagine. If keeping the faith during hard times means blessings like Dallin in our lives, then we will gladly do again whatever we are asked to do.


Lesley said...

This post made me tear up. Little Dallin (who has never been very little!) is so lucky to be the boy that fulfilled your dreams. You guys have a wonderful little family.

Happy Anniversary! How cool to celebrate the birth of your eternal family!

tblattman said...

CONGRATULATIONS, cute family picture!!!

Sylvia said...

So much cause for many happy moments. They really do blot out all the pain and heartache making that part forgettable, negligible while we are consumed with new joy!

Congratulations on one year!!!

We love your family and are room or sealing room? Yep. 'nuff said.

Mike said...

That has gone by fast. We love you! What a blessing. nikki