Thursday, August 20, 2009

Zane Turned 30!

The impromptu vacation to Utah for my grandpa's funeral meant that Zane celebrated his birthday with his family for the first time in many, many years. This was probably the best present ever which was good since our last minute leaving meant I hadn't finished buying presents and his surprise party (which was suppose to happen the day we left) was cancelled. Zane is the second youngest of 8 kids, so we are a pretty big group altogether. They are all close and love hanging out together. Moving to Texas meant that Zane misses out on a lot of camping trips, paint balling, and other silly thing his brothers and brother-in-laws think of doing (like letting Zane's older brother tazer each of them. I think they were proving how manly they are. I thought it proved how much wiser women are since we all refused to do it.) I'm glad we were able to celebrate with his family especially to see how happy it made Zane.

Trying to light candles out doors in the wind. We gave up eventually.
Blowing out whatever candles were lit. Dallin was very excited.
Group pictures of all the cousins

Zane's family minus his sister's family who live in CA, his mom who was on vacation, and a couple brother-in-laws.

Luckily, no one blew our secret and so when we returned, I rescheduled Zane's surprise party. We had some troubles with this too and thought our cover story (my brother pretending to take Zane to a movie then happening to stop over at our Bishop's house for the party, was pretty lame), but Zane bought it and was surprised. We had a great time swimming and eating. Thanks to the Little's for letting us come over!
So Zane, we all love you and hope you had a great birthday month! You are the best husband, dad, son, brother, friend we could ever ask for!


Shels said...

Happy late Birthday Zane! How lucky you are to be able to spend it with all your fam!

Jared and Kari said...

It looked like a family reunion on his birthday! I bet Dallin had a blast with all those cousins!

tblattman said...

You both should make it a tradition to come to Utah for Zane's birthday every year. We would really love it!!!