Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Great Man

I'm a little late in posting this, but it has been written in my mind for a couple of weeks now. My grandfather passed away a few weeks ago. He has been ill for awhile, but his health deteriated quickly even more over the last two months. I think we all were grateful that he was finally able to return and continue his mission on the other side. My grandma wanted his funeral to be a celebration of his life, and that is what it was. My grandpa was a great man.

We saw him last in April on our last visit to Utah. I got to know my grandpa a lot better as an adult when I went to BYU for school and then on vacations back to Utah with Zane. He worked with special education and education, especially behavior management, were his hot topics. I enjoyed talking to him about my job and ask his advice on behavior problems I dealt with in the classroom. He also loved talking about politics, and a couple times we would watch the O Reilly Factor at night together when he would visit us in Houston. I also enjoyed talking about the gospel with him. When I was in college, we would usually come up to SLC and watch conference with my grandparents. I will always remember my grandpa being full of wisdom.

Recently, I have enjoyed watching my grandpa interact with Dallin. Grandpa loves watching the children and interacting with them. He had a hard time moving around a lot, but he loved to just sit and watch the kids run around him!

I did another post before on my grandparent's talents, but again, my house is full of their work. My grandpa is an artist, and when you come into my home, all the paintings and sketches are his. Dallin was lucky enough to get one of himself too.

I'm sure the reunion in heaven was wonderful between my grandpa and his family that passed on before him. I can also bet he is hard at work teaching the gospel. His legacy lives on in his grandchildren and great grand children.

My mom (in white) with her mom and brothers and sister.

1 comment:

Steve and Jen said...

What a sweet tender post!