Friday, November 14, 2008

National Adoption Day

Saturday is National Adoption Day. It is a day to celebrate adoptions and bring awareness to adoptive and foster care children. One of the many talk radio shows that I listen to is broadcasting about adoptions today and wanted comments from people before the show to help him know what to talk about. I decided I wanted to share a little bit of our story with him in my concern for some political issues of our day. Here is part of what I wrote:

I heard that Obama would like government-funded abortions. If that were a law last year, then we would never have gotten our son. Our son's birth mom got pregnant, didn't know what to do, and so tried to get an abortion. Luckily she didn't have enough money. When she went to try again, she was too far along for an abortion. (The laws of the land protected our son. They of course need to go further in protecting the unborn.) Her mom then told her that she should give the baby up for adoption. She contacted LDS Family Services in Houston and picked us. This was a very hard decision for her because over the course of the pregnancy she grew to love her baby. We spent a month before he was due together getting to know each other. I went with her to a doctor's appointment and heard the heart beat. We were both thrilled. Texas laws require that a birth mom can not sign away her rights until after 48 hours of the birth. We watched our birth mom spend two days in the hospital loving, holding and cuddling her baby. She then signed the paper work and handed our son over to my husband and me. There was not a dry eye in the room as she gave up this little, precious baby to a couple who could give him more. We have an open adoption which is healthiest for all involved. She knows her son is healthy and is loved by us. Our son will grow up knowing he has so many people who love him in his life. He will understand that he has a birth mom who gave him the gift of life and parents who gave him everything else. We love all birth parents. They are our hero for making the harder, selfless decision and loving a baby so much to give him life. By the way, our birth mom is so grateful she didn't abort her baby. She is so proud of him and shows his picture to everyone she meets. She would never consider an abortion again if she ever got pregnant even though she knows how hard it was to give her son to us. But really, after you have held a sweet, precious, new born baby, who could ever think of killing one?

To our birth mom- We love you. Thank you for giving us Dallin.
To Dallin- We are so grateful we have the privilege of being your parents. We love you.
Our daily prayer to God-Thank you for bringing us all together. We have seen and still see miracles in our lives.


Sarah said...

Dallin is SO cute! Don't worry about the crawling. Luke didn't start crawling until he was 10 months!

Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing part of your adoption story. It is so awesome to hear about the wonderful women who are willing to give their babies more.

Brandon and Jenn said...

What a touching story. Thanks for sharing that Ariane. I hope lots of people get the opportunity to read it and think about the issue.

Beck said...

Thanks for sharing that part of your adoption story. It's always amazing to me to hear other's experiences with their birth-moms!

Brigette Little said...

What a great story - and I love the picture. I'm assuming that is you, Zane and Dallin's birth mom all holding him. That says it all!

Oh, and Joseph didn't crawl until right before his first birthday. He rolled everywhere! Sometimes when they are getting around just fine, proper form just doesn't mean a whole lot to them. He's a cutie!

brandif10 said...

It brought tears to my eyes! I love it. I found your blog from sylvia... hope you don't mind. It's great seeing what you are up to.


Berit said...

Thank you for this beautiful post, very touching.
I also wondered about how you put that icon up that states "about my beliefs". I went to and couldn't find any html info. I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know how to get that beautiful link with the picture. Many thanks! Berit