Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm a big boy!

Dallin turns 9 months old next Wednesday, the 19th. I took him in to his doctor's to get his flu shot last week and they decided to do his 9 month appointment at the same time. I'm so glad I took him in early because the doctor quickly informed me that Dallin would not be getting his flu shot since he had an ear ache and pink eye. I knew Dallin had a little stuffy nose, but he never had a fever. He was a little cranky, but last week we were also dealing with the time change which Dallin didn't like at all. I noticed his eye was a little pink that morning, but I wasn't concerned about it. We were lucky and caught everything fast, so his pink eye never spread to his other eye and really looked like it was gone after two days. I never got a picture of him looking sick because he never looked or acted sick. He is always a happy baby.
Dallin is 22 pounds 8 ounces (90%), his height is 29 inches (80%), and his head circumference is in the 92nd percentile. No wonder his shirts don't fit over his head! For Christmas he will be getting 18 month clothes and he is only 9 months old! It is a good thing he is so big though as he needs to hold his own with his cousins Caleb and Drew. The big question the doctor had was if Dallin was crawling. There were 6 babies born the same week as Dallin in my church (we had quads born that week.) Dallin is the oldest and he is the only one not crawling! He is so content to roll all over the place. He moves like crazy and rolling gets the job done. In the last week he has started pulling himself on all fours and moving his hands and feet twice. If the toy isn't in reach after that then he flops down and starts crying or rolls to a different toy. Sometimes if he is really determined he will get up again and try some more. I'm sure by next week he will be crawling all over the house. Zane is really glad that he waited to do this new development while he was home since the week before, when Dallin was sick, he was out of the country in Chile on business.
Dallin's latest pose. He loves to roll around and then rolls up on his side and smiles for the camera. His shirt says, "If you think I'm cool, you should see my dad." Dallin wanted to send this picture to Zane while he was in Chile.

Dallin crawling. He is wearing his very cool pj's made by me with help from Grandma. I decided to get really serious about learning to sew. My mom won't be around forever and so it is time to learn some better skills. My mom thinks it is about time!

Dallin's latest trick is to crawl/roll under the piano bench and play with pedals or any feet hanging down. This surprised one of my piano students when he did it for the first time. It is time to bring in the play pen (or the cage as it is called in my family) during piano lessons. Gone are the days when he sits quietly and plays with toys during a lesson.

This is his I know I'm not suppose to be under here look, but I'm too cute for anyone to care.


Sylvia said...

Which is so true! He is too cute for anyone to be too concerned. Oh dear! What a darling soul. I can't believe his head size! Holy Cow!! That is awesome along with the rest of him! Boys are so surprising!

brandif10 said...

Our old ped. said head size determines brain size... meaning he must be pretty smart!!! He is adorable, I can't believe he is that old.