Saturday, February 11, 2012

Know How to Have Fun

 We have had some crazy weather this winter.  We may start the morning off in winter clothes and shed them by the afternoon and a couple of times we switched out our summer clothes for winter ones by the afternoon.  There has even been a few days where I'm thinking about turning on my AC (if you have a two story, I'm sure you had to turn on your AC.) We have also had a lot of rain which we really needed.  No matter what the weather is like though, my boys know how to have fun outside.  Some days I feel like we practically live outside.  Whenever the wrestling, jumping, or running starts rising dramatically, I know it is time to get outside!

While Gavin napped, Dallin enjoyed the rain.

 And he convinced me to join in too.

You can see that this was one of those days where we were shedding clothes (Dallin with our neighbors.)

Gavin has decided that mom takes too long to come help him climb the ladder, so he now takes matters in his own hands.

He climbs to the top, turns around on his own, then slides down.

Gavin is really into balls right now.  He love, loves to be outside and gets very angry when it is time to come in or Dallin sneaks out first before I get Gavin's shoes on.

Riding a bike for the first time!

Isn't he adorable?

Dallin has just started being interested in sports.  This was his first football lesson that lasted more than 2 minutes.

Zane's definitely got his workout chasing Dallin around carrying an extra 25 pounds.

 The lesson was also in tackling.

I'm not sure this is legal???

I'm not sure what we would do if we lived somewhere where it was too cold to go outside....

1 comment:

Jared and Kari said...

Cold, like in Netherlands cold?? ;)