Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Love Story--Reposted and Hopefully Fixed

My grandparents met at a bus stop.  Thank goodness my grandpa was wearing a hat.  He asked my grandma out and she accepted.  When my grandpa picked her up, the hat was off and Grandma realized he had red hair just like her!  I am glad she still went out with him and gave him a chance despite the worry about what their children would look like.  Grandpa must of swept her off her feet because soon the red hair didn't matter anymore!  They have been married 64 years (almost 65).  My grandma passed away last November, and my grandpa passed away (at the age of 89), a month and a half later.  I bet the first thing my grandpa did when he saw my grandma again in heaven was kiss her.  At my grandma's funeral, my grandpa kissed her goodbye and announced that she kissed him back! 

 My grandpa's story is remarkable.  His father abandoned the family when he was young (around 8 years old I think).  During high school, my grandpa worked three jobs to support his older twin sisters and his mom during the depression.    Hard work describes his life.  He served in the Army Air Corps then went to college and became a sales man.  My dad remembers money being tight growing up, but my grandpa always worked hard to provide enough for his wife and six kids while saving for later.  By the age of 62 my grandpa could retire.  My grandparents frugal natures paid off and they lived comfortably as retirees serving a mission to California and traveling around the world.  I'm grateful for his example and what I have learned from him.

Each one of the grand kids wrote down their memories of my grandparents.  I wanted to share one story here about my grandpa saving my life.

Although I was too young to remember, I have heard the story many times.  I was around two and had wondered into Bear Lake by myself on a float tube.  It was probably one of those freak accidents when my mom was distracted with a newborn on the beach and my dad was distracted with my older brother or talking to someone.  The tube flipped over and I was under water.  Grandpa had his back to the water and in his mind saw the whole incident play out.  He turned around, ran into the water and saved my life.  How grateful I am that he listened to the spirit and rescued me. 

When Dallin was born, he met all four of his great grandparents.  Our next child will only know one (my mom's mom who is in great health thank goodness!)  My hope is that my kids will still know their great grandparents though pictures and stories so that they too can learn from their examples.

1 comment:

Hester said...

I can totally relate to the kind of person you grandpa was, my dad was the same way, he was also frugal and worked so hard all his life, had 2 jobs or studied at night and worked during the day. He was making ammunition during the 2nd world war and from having nothing he built a small empire, yet he was never flashy or spent money on himself. He was not materialistic, he just wanted to fish or be with his family for pleasure. Before my dad died he said that he symbolized the end of an error/way of thinking, so to speak. He was trying to say that his old school way of thinking was a very noble one that maybe the young men of today don't have. Maybe you think I'm wrong, but that is my personal opinion.
I bought my mom a little Tracfone SVC (for seniors @14.99 a pop) for Xmas and she phones me 3 x a day (thank goodness it only costs $7/month for Tracfone service) as she can't stop reminiscing about the days when my father was around. I talk to my mom as if my dad is still with us as it comforts her and I. I think it is so important for grand kids to get to know their grand parents well, they pick up so many values and wisdom from the grand parents that we don't have the time to pass on. I actually also wish our kids could have gotten to know the music and dancing styles from the old days.