Friday, May 13, 2011

Gavin at 10 Month (April 26)

I'm obviously a little late in posting a 10 month update. Gavin is fun to photograph because he loves it. He freezes and smiles when he sees the camera. He actually just loves posing for anyone who is giving him attention. He will crawl around a room and stop at whoever is there and flash them a smile. Because he loves posing so much, it is hard to catch a face other than a smile. This one though cracked me up.

Gavin at 10 months is on the move. He has perfected the army crawl and is fast. He will get up on all fours, move one hand, and then plop back down on his stomach and is off. For some reason he thinks following Dallin around the house is super fun especially if Dallin has a friend over. Pure entertainment.

Gavin started kneeling up on objects and then two days after he turned 10 months, he stood up first in the bathtub, then a few days later in his bed. Gavin is definitely losing his baby weight with all his moving. He also became a pickier eater for a couple of months I think because he had three teeth coming in at once. He is now back to eating all baby foods, cereals, and crackers although he doesn't like our table food yet. Dallin wanted to eat all the time and loved the table food. Gavin though is taking his time and enjoys being fed with a spoon. He has also become a pro with saying mama and dada.

Here are some favorites:
Food- Goldfish: He gets very excited if he sees goldfish

Time of Day- BATH TIME!!! Gavin loves his bath. He does his army crawl all over the bath tub which makes him look like he is swimming. Dallin gets annoyed at times because Gavin is everywhere in the bathtub and won't stay still! If he is sitting up, then he is splashing like crazy. This also causes problems because Dallin thinks he can also splash like Gavin. He can't figure out why when Gavin does it we think it is cute and try to get pictures and when Dallin splashes he gets pulled out of the bath tub.

Person- Dallin hands down. He loves mommy and daddy, but Dallin is his favorite. He loves wrestling with Dallin and I'm really amazed with how much rough housing he can handle. I'm constantly saying be gentle but Dallin doesn't understand because Gavin is laughing.

This little boy is growing so fast and constantly making us laugh. We love him!

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