Monday, January 10, 2011

Six Months

Gavin turned 6 months old on December 26th. It was a big day for him because it was his baby blessing day. Zane gave him a wonderful blessing during church and of course he chocked up after saying the first word. It is nice that he gets so emotional because it gives me time to write down the blessing. After church we had a luncheon at our house where Gavin got even more attention.

Six months was also a big month for Gavin developmentally. He finally decided to roll over. (He definitely has a stubborn streak in him!) He is also close to sitting up on his own. He still leans over too far and struggles to pull his head back. His hands are also everywhere trying to grab everything.

He started jumping in this toy and it is his favorite.

He met some family members for the first time: Great-Grandma Skolmoski (4 generation picture)

and Aunt Kara and Uncle Clayton

Gavin is still a very happy, giggling baby. Despite his size, he doesn't eat a lot. He will go 7 hours between his first and second bottle with a cereal feeding in between. Every once in awhile he will cry for a bottle, but for the most part, I don't know when he is hungry because he just giggles. He likes to drink between 20 and 24 ounces a day and if I don't squeeze that in during the day, he will want it at night. Sometimes though, he just isn't interested in having his bottle and he will end the day with only 10 ounces. This makes for a bad night.

The doctor said Gavin is done with breathing treatments for now. His sleeping has improved, but he still wakes up every day between 5 and 5:30 a.m. We put him back to sleep and then he will sleep until 6:30 a.m. We haven't been able to break the 5 a.m. wake up habit. Lately, it has taken at least 20 minutes to put back to sleep. One day, I might actually get a night's sleep without interruption. That's not our story right now though. I don't see any improvement in the near future either because Gavin sleeps wonderfully if he is swaddled, but if he gets out, he will wake up multiple times during the night. He is getting too big and too strong to be swaddled. I'm not sure what we will be trying next.

Here are Gavin's stats:
Height: 27 in (75%)
Weight: 19 pounds 8 ounces (80%)
Head: 43 cm (30%)

Interestingly enough, here are Dallin's stats at 6 months:
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Weight: 19 pounds 8 ounces
Head: 45 cm

I wonder what this does to the nature vs nurture argument. Maybe height and weight has more to do with nurture in the end.


Kimberly said...

What a cutie pie!!!! Happy 6 months!

Me said...

Gavin is SOOOO cute! I just love every photo of him. Lots of milestones for him. Isn't it an exciting time?!?! Is he eating any particular foods? If so, does he like them? Hope you guys have a great week! Take care!