Saturday, January 15, 2011

Outside Work Got Done!!!

When Zane and I both try to do outside work together, we usually get about 30 minutes in before one of us needs to stop and do something for one of the boys. This day though, we both worked for two hours straight. It was amazing.

Dallin was a fabulous helper with raking all our leaves that we ignored during the Christmas break. He enjoyed jumping in the leaves, but he also used his rake to help rake and then put them in the bag.

After about an hour, Dallin was done with leaves and spent the next hour playing with this box and his cars. Boxes make the greatest toys!

He took a nap through part of the work and then enjoyed watching everyone from this seat the rest of the time. The leaves and grass were very entertaining!

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

Gavin looks so mischievous with his finger in his mouth like that.