Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun at the Circus

Since we didn't plan on when we got a baby, we had lots of summer activities planned that aren't baby friendly. One of those was tickets to the circus. We debated about what to do and finally decided that since Gavin was a super good bottle fed baby, he could be left with Aunt Haley and we could take Dallin on one last family activity with just the three of us. He deserved it. His life has had an upheaval without any time to prepare him for the new adjustments. When we bought tickets, my parents decided they would join us long with any other grandchildren that wanted to go. Dallin's cousin Caleb came along.

Part of the circus was little over Caleb and Dallin's head, but for the most part they sat in amazement at the lights, tricks, and animals.

My favorite part was listening to Dallin going, "me too" as he watched the clowns do all their tricks which included flips, jumps, and lighting themselves on fire. (I have been watching Dallin like a hawk since we got home as he tried out a couple of his new moves. The joy of raising a active boy! Luckily anything to do with fire is hidden far, far away from Dallin.) I think Dallin's decided to be a clown when he grows up.

The elephants were a favorite.

I think this is what the boys looked like the entire time.

Going to the circus was even more fun with Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

Yes, I can only imagine Dallin as the attentive student learning from the clowns some new tricks to try at home. Too funny!