Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Claus

Dallin saw Santa Claus for the first time. I think the most that can be said about the experience is that he didn't cry. Dallin just stared at Santa's white beard (as you can see this was a very fake beard. They didn't even try to make it look real.) All of us around him were jumping up and down and making fools of ourselves trying to make him smile. All Dallin did was look at us like we were crazy. He didn't even try to pull Santa's beard. We finally got a half smile at the end (picture shown above.) There was a lot of jumping and funny faces for that little half smile.
The fine print on Dallin's shirt says, "$5.00 for the first kiss, $2.00 for each additional kisses. Taxes may apply." With the economy as slow as it is, we appreciate Dallin pulling his own weight and bringing in some money!

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

Ha ha ha. I owe Dallin quite a bit of money!