Monday, October 20, 2008

Did we evolve from monkeys?

Sometimes when you look at Dallin, you think monkey. He uses his feet as if they were hands. A lot of babies suck on their thumb. Not Dallin. He prefers his toes. He will pull them up himself or see them pulled up half way during a diaper change and think he might as well grab his toe and put it in his mouth. Mmm good.
He also uses both his feet and his hands to play with toys. If his hands are too far away from the toy, he will improvise and use his feet.
Did we really evolve from monkeys or was it a frog? Poor Dallin was destined to act like a frog from the moment he was brought into his nursery. Dallin's nursery is decked out in a frog prince theme. Somehow the word got out that this was our theme and so both baby showers included many gifts with frogs on them. I would say that 80% of Dallin's clothes between zero and 6 months had a frog on them. So of course he acts like a frog. Dallin loves to jump. His legs are always moving. If you hold him up in the air with his legs free, they wiggle and jump around. If he is standing up he will immediately start jumping. So guess what Dallin will be for guessed it, a frog!

Dallin in his crib with his favorite blanket.


Matt and Haley said...

Cute post.

Lesley said...

I just found your blog on Jenn Linfords blog. It is so cute! I feel so out of touch since Joseph was born -- Dallin has been growing a ton! He is such a cutie, and you and Zane make adorable parents.