Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun at the Zoo

While we were in Utah, Dallin went to the zoo for the first time with our friend Lori and her kids, Nikki and her family, and Gram. The highlight of the trip was the Merry Go Round and the elephant show (at least Zane and I enjoyed the elephant show.) I’ve never seen elephants do tricks and so we were amazed as we watched the elephant perform for her trainer. Here are the highlights. Lori's daughter Mandy, 3 years, loved to push Dallin in his stroller. He is even better then a baby doll because he laughs and moves so much although he is a lot heavier and harder to push.
Dallin's look of terror at the white alligator behind him.
Dallin was "all done pictures." He wanted to do something more exciting.
He loved the Merry Go Round.

Pretending to be gophers!

Family picture at the zoo.

All the kids together.

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