Friday, March 14, 2014

Camping Anyone? Count Us Out!

We found out Talmage was born, that he was sick and being life flighted to Miami Children's, and then we heard nothing else. To distract our thoughts from the worry (and to stop checking our cell phones and email every 2 minutes) we decided to not cancel out camping plans and to enjoy some Mother Nature. We have a favorite campsite about 20 minutes from our home so we headed there with my brother's and sister's families and my parents.

It was a good thing the camp out was only 20 minutes away. When it came to putting the kids to bed, Dallin and Gavin were too hyper to go to bed. They kept each other up, woke Lili up, woke Bryson up, kept Haley's older boys up... Zane and I tried splitting the boys up and taking one to the car to sleep. Once Lili was awake, she refused to go back to sleep. Zane drove Gavin around the campsite until he fell asleep while I worked on getting Dallin to sleep. By the time we had everyone asleep, Zane and I were exhausted from the fights. Then Lili woke up screaming around 2 a.m. and refused to fall back to sleep. It is the worse to have a screaming baby while everyone is sound asleep! Zane tried to walk Lili around probably passing Matt in the dark who was walking Bryson around since Lili had woke him up. Finally Zane decided it was best to just drive Lili home and put her to sleep in her bed. What a night! We told the boys the next morning to enjoy this camp out a lot because it was the last one they get to do until everyone in our family learns to sleep in the same tent!

Enjoying Our Last Camp Out

We decided to take a walk to the river.  Lili is a little obsessed with water and decided to try it out despite the water being pretty chilly.

The other kids soon followed Lili into the water.

And then slowly the clothes started coming off.

Eventually everyone was in the underwear.

Lili was the first one in and the first one out. She hung out with Bryson and watched the other silly kids.

They walked back to camp in their underwear. I wonder what everyone thought of us.

The next morning the kids went to check out the animals in the nature center.

We had a great little camp out (despite the sleeping part!)


The Powells said...

Where is this?

Kristin said...

It's one of those awesome memories to look back on, but not to live through.