Monday, March 10, 2014

A Little Update

 Instead of blogging, I have been busy teaching (and adoption paperwork, doctor's appointments etc). We have two of Dallin's friends come over and do lessons with us. This gives Dallin a chance to work with a partner and it motivates him to get his school work done so he can play.

 Zane's been busy building our garden. He started working on this soon after we moved in and like so many projects it takes 6 months to finish (kids really slow us down!) The garden fit perfectly on the side of our house so that it is out of sight from the kids and they still have plenty of room to play.

Vegetables are growing! Crossing our fingers for lots of vegetables!

Dallin has been busy learning, playing and enjoying being 6! We really spent all of February celebrating his birthday. More to come on that. 
He also started piano lessons. We started him with a teacher for a month and it didn't really go well. He loves piano and practices with me just fine (meaning he plays a song, bounces on the couch for a little, runs around the room, then comes back to the piano), but he can't focus for thirty minutes with a teacher. We decided to hold off on formal lessons and I just added music to our home school schedule. It is working out well.
 In the below picture Dallin is making Valentine's. He put them all over Zane and my bed. He can be so sweet. He isn't wearing a shirt because we were headed to his swim lessons after making Valentine's. We stopped gymnastics and both boys started weekly swim lessons. They love it. Dallin's backstroke is looking beautiful!

Gavin is as silly as ever. He likes to play dress ups. In the below picture he is Luke Skywalker/Indiana Jones with clown pants.

He loves to do art projects. A lady in my church started an art class once a week and Gavin loves it!

Lili is walking! She started walking two weeks ago and cruises all days long.

 She also loves cuddling with Dallin, and she loves playing with my phone. In fact if you take a phone away from her she screams really loud. She has learn to use that scream effectively to get her way. 

Lili also loves toothpaste. She usually follows me around the house so you can imagine once that I panicked when I couldn't find her. We searched all the rooms on our first floor with no luck and I really started panicking. I ran upstairs frantically calling her name to find her in the kids' bathroom eating the toothpaste with a big smile. Sneaky.

More to come!

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