Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dallin was a champ at potty training. He has been potty trained for 7 or 8 months now. We used one of those potty seats that you place on the toilet, but he can also go standing up without a problem. At our house though, he prefers the potty seat which doesn't really work well with boys and their aim.

Our next step in potty training is helping Dallin be independent. We have been struggling with this for awhile because Dallin will not hold himself down. He is afraid he will pee on himself. I've tried to explain that I don't want to get peed on, but I guess in his mind it is better on mom then on him... Yesterday while he was on the potty I kept saying hold yourself down, you can do it, mommy isn't going to help you. Dallin sat shaking his arms in the air saying he couldn't do it. I walked over and grabbed his hand to show him and Dallin decided he was done holding it in. His pee hit the seat and flew up into my face.

Gavin, sitting in the bathtub, laughed and laughed at his mommy. Dallin thought the whole thing was hilarious. I was the only one not laughing.

I guess he showed me!


Steve and Jen said...

Such a cute story! thanks for sharing

brandif10 said...

hahaha, i just laughed. Nobody said parenting is easy, but boy you get some funny stories out of it. Good Luck!!!