Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Frankenstein

Dallin is getting really good at the Frankenstein walk. He can take 4-5 steps before falling, and he is starting to get a little more brave and just letting go to walk a short distance without mommy being there. He will start walking along the couch, then just let go and walk to the other side of our sectional. He has figured out cutting diagonally is faster then walking along the couch. And really, Dallin needs to save time in his day. He has a lot to do.

Here is the Frankenstein walk.

Much cuter then Frankenstein though!


simple mom/wife said...

That is the cutest thing ever! Thanks for brightening my day, little Dallin!

Sylvia said...

Okay, I was a little worried that Dallin had to have stitches when I read the title and then completely elated and relieved when I saw the adorable pictures of him walking!!


Brigette Little said...

The pictures say it all! I can just picture him wobbling across the floor. I love the proud look on his face!

Steve and Jen said...

YEA for Dallin!
So, are you guys available at all this weekend? We might drop by.