Monday, August 4, 2008

The Nobility of Motherhood

We had a lesson in church yesterday about the nobility of motherhood. When the teacher asked the class what we thought this phrase meant, I immediately thought of Dallin's birth mom. Dallin will grow up knowing that he has two moms. One mom carried him for nine months doing the best that she could to keep him healthy. She gave birth to him and then spent two days staring at him in the hospital loving him. I remember when Zane and I went to visit her in the hospital. I walked in and looked around the room for Dallin. She pulled back the sheet and there was Dallin cuddling with her in bed. Zane and I will never forget the meeting where she handed Dallin over to us. As she signed away her rights, she asked our caseworker if all birth moms love their baby this much. You can imagine the many tears flowing that day. So of course I thought of his birth mom yesterday during our class. She is a very noble woman who loved her son so much she wanted to give him more then she could offer. How special for Dallin knowing that the first major decision made in his life was all about love and sacrifice and all for him. How could I not think of her as I held Dallin in my lap during this lesson? It is because of her that I am a mother. Because of her, I get to experience every day with this little boy watching him grow, smile, and see the world. I get to experience the throw up and diaper changes. I get to experience it all with him. I'm grateful for all the noble birth moms out there who give couples like Zane and me a chance to experience the joy of being a parent.


Jared and Kari said...


I just loved reading this post. Dallin's birth mom is truly a noble woman for loving Dallin more than herself. You are also a noble woman for never giving up on your dream of being a mother. I love watching you with Dallin...motherhood seems to come so naturally for you. Your son is so lucky to have you!


Sylvia said...

What a great post! Truer words were never spoken. I love how gentle and loving Dallin looks even in his very serious moments. He is an angel, indeed!...must be his mom I see in him!