Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lili's Happenings

 This little girl is growing up way too fast. I can't believe how fast this year has flown. She is 11 months old now and has been very busy this last month exploring her world and trying new things.

Our family loves green smoothies and luckily so does Lili! I usually hold the cup for her to drink but all to often I'm interrupted and have to walk away for a second to take care of some crisis. In this picture she took things in her own hands and found a way to keep drinking. It worked pretty well! Lili is definitely an independent spirit!

 Lili loves bath time. Loves it. If she hears the water turn on, she stops everything and makes a bee line to the bathroom. Nothing will stop her. No obstacle is too great. She gets so angry that it takes us so long to undress her. If she had her way, she would jump in clothes and all (which Gavin has done before at a friend's house.) This blue seat has kept her contained and safe for a long time. No longer though. She learned to climb out and then the real maniac came out. Maniac is really the only word to describe her crazy splashing and moving around the bathtub that first few times out of the blue seat. She would throw her self backwards to get her head in the water. We had to be on constant guard to catch her to make sure she didn't hit her head. She has calmed down a little now and doesn't try to cause herself bodily injury but Lili is definitely happiest in the bath tub.

Four Generations- My grandma came to visit in October and Lili was the perfect size for her. Lili would crawl on by and my grandma would pick her up for some bonding time. Lili and my grandma also share the same middle name.

Lili's adoption was finalized this month and we had her baby blessing. It was a very weird Sunday. We had a bad storm that morning and when I got to church the power was out. Church went on like normal except I was on the piano instead of the organ and Zane didn't have a microphone for the baby blessing. We all had to sit up close to hear. The power didn't come on until the last 5 minutes of our first meeting. By the time we made it for pictures, Lili was really angry at having to wear such a long and uncomfortable dress. Dallin's behavior had gone downhill the last little bit of church so he wasn't his normal happy self, and Gavin was tired. I think the only happy people in this picture were the adults! The blessing was beautiful though and the weather just made it a very memorable day! (My sister and her family came for the blessing but they had to sneak away before the picture.)

Most baby blessings happen in our church when the baby is an infant. We couldn't do Lili's blessing until her adoption was finalized. Blessing an older baby brings some humor. Zane said he was having a hard time focusing because Lili kept trying to roll over and get away. She was extremely wiggly and very distracting!

A few minutes after the above picture,  Dallin was his normal happy self. When Zane sat down after the blessing, Dallin said, "Yea Lili you are finally part of our family!" He may be putting too much importance on a baby blessing (since Lili has been part of our family since she was born) but I love his excitement and love for her!

The princess and her castle
Our favorite neighbor ever (who moved away from me first) gave us this play house. The boys used it as a place to hide and something to climb and jump off of. Lili though loves playing in it.

Our sweet Lili who for once smiled at the camera without me doing a song and dance!

Showing off her standing skills

Looking so big all of a sudden and not like my little tiny baby.

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

Wait, Lili knows how to smile?