Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lights on the Water Way

We try to do a family outing every Saturday.  A couple of weeks ago we headed to the river walk that goes around the mall.  The trees are lined with lights and then in the middle is a fountain light show.  By the fountains were groups singing Christmas carols.  We had a great time getting bundled up, running around looking at lights, and listening/dancing to the music.  It was a perfect family outing.

 Did I mention the free hot chocolate with marshmallows! 

                This was Gavin singing along to the music.  He got a lot of walking practice.                        

After enjoying the music and lights, we found a hill to roll around on.

 Gavin needed some help rolling.

 Dallin volunteered for the job

 I keep telling Zane that I never catch the fun moments with my boys and me because I'm either behind the camera or in the middle of the fun with no one home to take the picture.  Here is the picture he caught of me playing.  I was really excited to see that!

The perfect family outing: lots of running around and laughing, free entertainment, and free refreshments!

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