Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Greatest Big Brother and Little Brother

The boys decided to show off their new shirts given to us by Aunt Kari. I love capturing moments between these two.

Gavin puts up with so much!

"Who is this crazy kid next to me?"
or maybe, just maybe Gavin's thinking, "I love my big brother!"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Months- August 26

Weight- 12 pounds 2 ounces- 52%
Height- 22 inches 15%
Head- 14 3/4 inches- 7%

We were thrilled about Gavin's weight. Last time we were in at around 2 weeks, he was in the 5th percentile. Tiny! He seems chunkier for being 50th percentile, but then again he is a short baby. He has short legs. Most of his 0-3 month pants look silly on him. He needs 0-3 month shirts and new born pants!

We love this stinkin cute, cuddly baby!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just the Three of Them

Carter (5 months), Gavin (2 months), and Alex (2 weeks)

I'm sure there will be more pictures of the three of them to come. It will be fun to document their growth together.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Discovering Gavin

I sat Carter and Gavin by each other. For the first time Carter really noticed Gavin. (He is not touching him in the eye despite what this picture looks like.)

Carter slowing brought Gavin forward and then does what he does to everyone he loves, tries to suck on you. He usually chooses fingers, but that day he chose Gavin's head. We call it a kiss.

Gavin put up with it for a little then let me know he was done. I'm so glad we captured this moment on camera. It is fun to watch babies start discovering the world around them.

Friday, August 27, 2010


This is what it started out like.
This is how it ended up after Dallin got through eating it.
He walked around the house eating the apple for about 15 minutes. I had to pry it away from in the end. Dallin kept spitting seeds out because he just didn't know where to stop eating.

As I was trying to take this picture, he kept grabbing the new apple and taking bites out of it. Apparently one whole apple isn't enough for this big boy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is Gavin's messy, I'm enjoying my food face. He always has milk dribbling out while he is eating.

This is the I'm really hungry face. I find it adorable although the sound isn't!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Chunky Babies

These two are destined to be best friends, just like their brothers. This is my sister Haley's son Carter who is two months older than Gavin. When Gavin was born, Carter looked like he could eat him. Now I think Gavin could hold his own.

My sister-in-law Kari just had a baby girl, Alex, who is six weeks younger than Gavin. We couldn't have planned it any better if we had tried. Pictures of baby Alex coming soon!

Forever Families

Today is one of our anniversaries of forever families. (To learn more about what our church believes concerning families being together forever click here. To read Dallin's finalization and sealing story, look at this post.) We are counting down to when we can celebrate Gavin's finalization and taking him to the temple! These are precious moments in our family.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


When these two are together, there is only one word for them, mischievous. They are two of the same type of kid, high energy, silly, and tons of fun!

And stickin cute too!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Dallin has moved into a toddler bed now. In order to keep him from getting out of his bed to play with toys once we have put him to bed, I told him there were alligators on the ground. The alligators can't get him if he is on his bed. Some kids would have nightmares about this, but Dallin loves it. He has made it a game watching us jump out of his room so that the alligators don't bite our feet and loves to take a flashlight during the day time and search for alligators throughout the house and run screaming when he finds one. He obviously knows they aren't real, but he still stays in his bed and will stay there until I come and get him after he wakes up. I recommend this technique for adventurous boys.

Last week Dallin stood in the middle of his room and said, "I'm fine. I'm fine," over and over again meaning the alligators weren't biting his feet. That's when I brought in the snakes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two Minutes

Dallin has moved out of his nursery and into his big boy car bed. At first we kept the bed in the nursery because we were worried about kicking him out of his bed and room, but after a few days, Dallin wanted to move into his new room too. Gavin hasn't moved into the nursery yet, but so far, Dallin is having no problems with knowing that his old room is Gavin's room now.

The best part of moving Dallin into a toddler bed is being able to lay down next to him. We give him "two minutes" where we lay with him making up stories, singing songs, or being really goofy (if daddy is the one giving two minutes.) Dallin constantly is asking for two minutes now not understanding how long two minutes really is.

Last week Dallin informed me he didn't want me to give him two minutes for his nap time. He wanted Gavin. Gavin was sound asleep, so I said yes and let Gavin sleep with Dallin. I listened in the hallway to Dallin singing songs, sharing toys and blankies, and trying to make Gavin comfortable. After about five minutes, I realized Dallin was never going to sleep because he was too busy entertaining Gavin. I had to take Gavin away and listen to Dallin's cries for his brother. I love, love watching Dallin with Gavin (except when Dallin picked up Gavin and walked across the room to give him to me.)

One Month- July 26

At his cardiology appointment (five weeks), Gavin came in at 9 pounds and 21 inches. We were so proud! He is finally starting to chunk up and has graduated to 0-3 months clothes. We can pack up those new born clothes!

We had a cardiology appointment because Gavin was born with a heart murmur. The doctor confirmed again that we don't need to worry about this, and he won't need to see him again until he is 6 months old. After hearing Gavin's adoption story, he declared him a perfect, miracle baby. I couldn't agree more.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Since I can't breast feed due to the fact that my kids are adopted, I have no problem praising the many benefits of bottle feeding. Here is the best benefit: my many helpers.

Cousin Drew

Dallin will get possessive. If any of his cousins feed Gavin, he will let them know it is his brother.
Cousin Sam- She can't get enough of Gavin. The boys will help feed for a few seconds, but Sam will sit there and help for awhile. Gavin is really good with all the attention. As long as he is getting, fed, he won't complain.

The best part of bottle feeding, the husband can help. Love that, especially in the middle of the night.