Thursday, August 12, 2010


Dallin has moved into a toddler bed now. In order to keep him from getting out of his bed to play with toys once we have put him to bed, I told him there were alligators on the ground. The alligators can't get him if he is on his bed. Some kids would have nightmares about this, but Dallin loves it. He has made it a game watching us jump out of his room so that the alligators don't bite our feet and loves to take a flashlight during the day time and search for alligators throughout the house and run screaming when he finds one. He obviously knows they aren't real, but he still stays in his bed and will stay there until I come and get him after he wakes up. I recommend this technique for adventurous boys.

Last week Dallin stood in the middle of his room and said, "I'm fine. I'm fine," over and over again meaning the alligators weren't biting his feet. That's when I brought in the snakes.


Brigette Little said...

So funny! I love it.

Steve and Jen said...

Very clever!
Your boys are SOOOO darling!