Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

The Tuesday before Easter our neighbor invited us over for an Easter egg hunt. Dallin learned one important concept from this hunt. He discovered after picking up four eggs that there was candy inside. He stopped picking up eggs after that so that he could enjoy his candy. Zane tried to convince Dallin that the more eggs you pick up, the more candy you get in order to stop him from eating the candy he already had, wrapper and all. Dallin is apparently the live in the moment kind of person. Eat now then pick up more. If you point to an Easter egg and ask Dallin what it is, he will say candy. If I mentioned that the Easter bunny was going to come, he would reply candy. All we heard on Sunday was the words bunny and candy. Who cares about the basket the Easter bunny brought him with small toys in it. All he wanted was the candy.

After our Easter dinner on Sunday, we had an Easter egg hunt with my family at our house. Dallin was on a mission, so the first egg he picked up, he shook it, then dropped it and moved onto another. Some of the eggs had candy in them, but most of them had stickers or small toys like bouncy balls. I was amazed to watch my little two-year-old shake every egg knowing that he would hear something if candy was inside versus a sticker. He has a six sense when it comes to any sugar treat. He can hear a candy being opened in a room full of noisy people. He will run up to that person and ask for some. Obviously, all candy is hidden in our house. One day though he is going to figure out that it is hidden and start looking for it. My brother used to do that. We better watch out!

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

I've never seen a kid with such an acute sixth sense for candy! It's hilarious!