Sunday, January 6, 2013


One of the highlights of the holiday break is my brother and his family coming in from the Netherlands to visit.  They used to live down the street from us, so we are really close with their kids and we love playing with them!

Gavin and Alex together again!

These three kids were all born within five months of each other.  Carter is the oldest and Alex is the youngest although Gavin looked like the youngest because he is so much smaller.

 He wasn't always the smallest...

 And he pulled off the rolls well.  What happened?

One day when Alex returns to America, they will be best buddies again!

One of the best nights of the holiday was when Haley and I left our kids with our husbands and enjoyed a game night with all my siblings (except for one) with no kids! I think every year we should all get babysitters one night and do an adult only game night.  I enjoyed laughing and talking with my siblings.  Missed you Linds!

1 comment:

Jared and Kari said...

Cute pics! Sure miss you guys already!