Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall is Here!

At the beginning of October, Dallin and I joined our friends on an outing. Dallin had a great time playing in the pumpkin patch (pushing pumpkins over), feeding the animals and chasing after them, playing on the playground, and racing in cars. I was surprised with how fearless Dallin was around the animals. We had a lot of rain the previous day, and I was really proud that I kept Dallin from getting wet (he is attracted to puddles.) He was sneaky though and found a hidden puddle on top of the ski boat that the kids could play on. I found him in water up to his ankles. It didn't seem to bother him that he walked around with wet shoes the rest of the day. We also had a picnic lunch and a popsicle. What a fun day to welcome in Fall!

Cousin Pictures: Drew and Dallin

Drew, Dallin and Caleb

1 comment:

Mike said...

I love Dallin's smile in the car!