Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Alligator Farm

We stopped for the night in St. Augistine because a friend recommended a visit to the Alligator Farm. It was the perfect place to break up a road trip and provide some entertainment to my kids. During this trip we tried hard to balance taking care of Talmage, providing a vacation for the kids, and Zane working. It was a tough balance and we didn't always succeed at it but this alligator place was a winner.

Talmage joined us. The day before he was in the hospital and the next, visiting alligators. He did awesome in the wrap though until it was time to feed. Talmage cries a lot during feedings, so after trying to feed him on a bench, I eventually went to the car and Zane took the kids around the park.

The alligator farm has alligators and crocodiles from all over the world (I think they had every species represented including the Salt Water Crocidile from Australia, Dallin's favorite) plus a few other reptiles.

Such a character!

My dangerous animals

 They can be pretty scary at times!

 Dallin was more than willing to jump into the mouth of an alligator.

Lili, not so much. 

I couldn't believe how many alligators/crocodiles this farm had. 500 maybe? There were tons! 

I don't remember the story about this beast but he was huge!

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