Monday, August 13, 2012

Gavin's New Sleeping Habits

Gavin learned to crawl out of his crib.  Sad day for me.  Dallin was super proud of him though.  Going to sleep became a problem because Gavin would climb right out and start a game of opening and shutting the door.  I didn't like that game either so I switched his door handle to lock him in his room until he is asleep then I unlock his door.  When Dallin was 2 1/2 and 3 years old, locking him in his room was the worst punishment ever.  Every once in a while he would calm down immediately and just read a book while in his room, but most of the time he was screaming to get out.  Gavin on the other hand just plays in his room and causes mischief by pulling clothes out of drawers etc.  He is so quiet in there that I will think he is asleep and go check on him to find him playing away.  Now when I put Gavin to sleep I know it will take him 30-40 minutes to go down.  He will play around for awhile and eventually I will come in to find him asleep in random places in the room.  The below picture I thought was amusing because his legs were rocking him back and forth.  Luckily he will stay asleep while I move him to his crib.

1 comment:

Matt and Haley said...

Caleb fell asleep standing up in his crib one time when he was a toddler (from his episodes of crying for an hour before falling asleep). I was shocked that a toddler could actually fall asleep like that!