Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lovin It

One of Dallin's best traits is that he is a leader.  I see it all the time in preschool.  He does something and the rest of the boys follow right after him.  The problem is Dallin loves to do things that get him attention which usually is something silly or naughty.  I'm constantly telling his friends that if Dallin is choosing the right, then follow him.  If he isn't, then tell him to stop.  Four year olds don't get that.  It is much more fun to watch Dallin do something he shouldn't be doing like throwing balls over the back yard fence.  Some friends join in, some just watch knowing it isn't right, but they enjoy the show.  This is so reenforcing for Dallin.  Zane and I feel this big responsibility to teach Dallin how to be a good leader and choose the right.   So, when I learned more about karate, I jumped right in.

 Dallin started Taekwondo at the end of the December.  I spent a couple of weeks checking out classes with Dallin until we found the right fit for him.  I had heard that karate teaches self-discipline, respect, character and a lot of other great qualities.  Thirty minutes of someone besides us giving Dallin instructions....perfect.  The first couple of classes were hard on Dallin because he tried to test the boundaries and see how silly he could be in class especially because he had two friends with him.  He didn't get away with it.  His instructor is strict with him but really good with kids.  The best part is that Dallin loves it too.

I don't know much about Taekwondo, so when it was time to do our yellow belt test, I didn't know what to expect.  Belt tests I learned are a big deal.  This was so reinforcing to Dallin.  He tested in front of a huge group of kids then watched the other belt tests. He had to sit for an hour while the other groups went. Dallin doesn't sit for an hour, but he did it that night.  He is starting to understand more what he is learning. At the end, all the white belts came up again and took their turn breaking a board.  Then they were presented the board and the yellow belt.  Dallin was so excited and I admit, I teared up a little.  He is really excited about working towards his next belt now.  Next time, we will come earlier so that we can get better seats for pictures.

Couldn't be prouder!

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