Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things that Gavin does to Make Me Smile

 Gavin makes all of us laugh all the time.  He is silly, loves to flop on the ground, loves to flop in the bathtub and make huge splashes (this doesn't make me smile all the time...), loves to flop on us when we are laying down, crawls on my lap when he needs a cuddle, and giggles when you tell him no (which makes it so that I'm not mad at him when he throws his food over the high chair.)  Here are the newest things he draws to make me smile.

Drinking from a straw
 This makes me smile because we drink a lot of green smoothies in our house and it gets really old to feed him a cupful with a spoon.  The problem now is I know he can do it and yet sometimes, he just wants to be fed by a spoon.  He is still stubborn!

 Loves Reading
Gavin finds books on the ground or on a low bookshelf, pulls them off and starts flipping through them.  I love reading, taught reading for 6 years, and love it when my boys enjoy reading.

Obsession with Pacies
When we get Gavin out of his crib, we say, "All done pacies" because they are only for sleeping (and church when we are desperate).  I will pull the paci out of his mouth, and he will put the next one in  his mouth.  Notice he has two in his hands.  When we get to the last one, he will bite down trying his hardest to keep his paci as long as possible.  He then gives up and enjoys snuggling with us while drinking his milk.

Peanut Butter
Dallin and I love peanut butter.  Zane was kicked out of our club a long time ago because he complained of peanut butter spoons in the sink.   I couldn't get Gavin to eat his peanut butter sandwich, so I gave him a taste of just peanut butter.  He went crazy and wanted more and more.  I had to hide the peanut butter and distract big time.  So now Gavin has joined the club.

On the Potty
 My sister-in-law mentioned her kids are number 2 trained by 18 months.  I tried putting Dallin on the potty when he was 12 months old.  He didn't have much success so I wasn't as consistent as I could have been with putting him on the potty although he did train pretty easily after he turned 2.   I realized though that Gavin had a bowel movement every morning usually before 9 and then another one in the afternoon.  It was kind of like clockwork.  I would plan it in my get ready and out of the house schedule to change Gavin's diaper twice, once when he woke up and then when he had a bowel movement a little later.  We started putting Gavin on the potty at the beginning of September.  I think he had success the first time we put him on.  We rarely change a poopy diaper any more!!!:)  Gavin giggles when we put him on the potty because he enjoys the attention, clapping for himself, and loves reading stories with me.  Not having to change poopy diapers really makes me smile!


Jared and Kari said...

LOVE the peanut butter story! Can I join the club??

Matt and Haley said...

Not changing diapers would make me smile as well! I love his paci picture. Too cute.