Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas with my family is filled with tradition. Christmas Eve is our big night when my mom makes a turkey with all the fixings and we have a huge party. Ever since we moved to Houston and left our extended family behind in Utah, my parents have always invited friends or missionaries over to join us. This year my brother and sister invited two families so we had a lot of little kids. Kari organized all the kids to act out the Christmas story while Jared read from the scriptures. With so many kids, it wasn't really a spiritual reenactment, but it was fun to watch! Here are some of the highlights.
Kari trying to get all the kids in their place. The drama queen Valerie played Mary and Drew is Joseph.
Kari as the stable.
The wise men bring gifts to baby Jesus. What a great star!
Garret as a shepherd telling us were all done or maybe just saying hi.

Dallin and Caleb were sheep (in other words that got to crawl around the room and do what they want.) After it was over, Dallin started playing with the angel head piece and I couldn't resist displaying him as his true little angel.
The night also included chime playing and present exchanges between siblings after our guests left. It was a wonderful night. My parents always make Christmas great. I love the spirit of Christmas as you try to find the perfect gift for someone and how kindness and charity are more prevalent then any other time of year. It is a wonderful time to celebrate our Savior's birth and life and to be with family.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenn said...

Kari's got talent. I sense a primary calling in her future...