Since I stopped blogging when Talmage was 8 months old, here are some major changes he has gone through:
-Fixed his eating problems by eating adult food with lots of spices which meant no more appointments with speech pathologists, no more tests that he hated, and a happier GI doctor
- 6 or 7 ear infections
-Finally slept through the night at 14 months old (the pain from the ear infections caused major sleeping problems)
-Ear tubes put in right before his first birthday
- Learned to army crawl first at 9 months and then started crawling
-Learned to crawl up the stairs at 10 months and started sneaking up there on his own to play in the toy room
-Learned to walk at 15 months
9 Month picture
Playing in the toy room instead of going to bed
Getting ready for bed is Talmage's favorite part of the day. He can be super tired, but after his bath, he is happy and giggly because the whole family is upstairs together. Talmage sneaks off to the toy room with a sibling, hides under Dallin's bed, or sits and looks at books. The older boys give him more attention during this time instead of getting ready for bed, and Talmage loves playing with them. Pretty much bedtime turns into a big party which means Zane and I are losing the battle.
9 Months- Talmage became destructive in the kitchen getting into the dishwasher if left open or rearranging my cupboards.
His partner in crime. I'm pretty sure Lili introduced Talmage to the tupperware cupboard and taught him all he knows.
Talmage loving the Christmas decorations
Learning to stand and watching with joy the kids playing in the backyard. Soon he wasn't content to stay inside, and the backyard became Talmage's happy place.
Learning to crawl up the stairs
Talmage loves the outside. He learned to get on the trampoline and will hang out with the boys as they jump around him. He also learned to crawl up the ladder on the swing set so that he can keep following his siblings.
Talmage loves to play the piano. If he hears Dallin practicing, he comes running in to play too.
These two are such great buddies. He doesn't even mind that Lili is taking over the high chair!
Avocados (and guacamole) are one of Talmage's favorite food
Zane took this video of Talmage to reassure me that Talmage was doing great as he waited to be called back for his operation to get his tubes in. Zane took Talmage in while I stayed with the other kids.
Talmage loves his outside time!